

Vickie writes in the growing genre of Spiritual Life Writing, imbuing the everyday ordinary stories of life with the sacred and mystical, helping us find meaning and healing amidst the rawness of life.

Listen Like A Lotys Growing Out of the Mud
By Vickie MacArthur February 13, 2025
In the fall of 2023, I took a return pilgrimage to Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh’s monastery in southern France. It had been almost two years since this respected Buddhist teacher had passed away at his root temple in Hue, Vietnam, yet his presence was still felt in the paths that he walked, the sangha and community of practice, and the sound of the bell, inviting us to stop, and breathe, and feel the moment. Slowly and reverently, I sat down in front of the lotus pond my teacher had loved so much. Well past their prime, the lotus leaves still stood proud on long slender stems, though the lotus flower’s brilliant burst of pink glory was a distant memory. The brown seedpods drying in the autumn sun reminded me of the wisdom in the Zen expression, “no birth, no death.” 
A flower made out of rocks and a pine cone on the ground.
By Vickie MacArthur February 11, 2025
Somehow it seems fitting to begin my story by writing a love letter to you, from my heart to yours, yet held in the great heart that holds us all.
The Miracle of Snow Angels
By Vickie MacArthur January 1, 2021
"Happy New Year" we say, with a slight tremor in our voice that reveals both the fragile hope in our hearts, and the uncertainty and worry about what may still lie ahead, as we continue to navigate our way through these unprecedented times.
The Zen of Hand Washing
By Vickie MacArthur March 9, 2020
“The bells of mindfulness are calling out to us, trying to wake us up, reminding us to look deeply at our impact on the planet.” Thich Nhat Hanh
The Womb of Creation
By Vickie MacArthur July 1, 2018
I sit here in the wild garden at Chateaux Malerargue in southern France, miles away from my home and life in Canada, yet so intimately connected to the world in a deeper, more expansive way. This wild permaculture garden sits in front of the old chateaux, on a gentle slope towards the valley and hills beyond. I have offered to help water and care for this garden while I am staying here, and it feels like it is really a way of tending to my own inner garden, the rich soil holding both seeds of potential and weeds that need to be removed.
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