Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

A Sanctuary of Deep Rest for Body & Soul


Yoga Nidra is a meditative practice that not only produces a profound state of relaxation in the mind and body, but at a deeper level is a practice of slowly transforming the beliefs and feelings that keep us stuck in negative patterns of self-doubt, anxiety, and fear.   

Rest, Restore and Dream

Yoga Nidra at its essence is a practice of deep and conscious rest, where we are invited to slow down and turn inwards away from our constant need to do and achieve. We take time to lie down, to rest, and extend loving kindness to our bodies, allowing energy to naturally flow to areas of the body most in need of rejuvenation and healing, helping to shed layers of tension, fatigue, and pain. 

Yoga Nidra means “yogic sleep.” 
It is “sleep with a trace of awareness.” 
When we practice Yoga Nidra, we enter a state where the body is so relaxed it receives the benefits of deep sleep, yet the mind remains awake in a state of calm clear awareness between wakefulness and dreaming. In this relaxed state, we’re able to dip down beneath the surface of our thoughts, and listen to the glimmers of insight or “soul whispers” that arise. 

Yoga Nidra is a practice of remembering who we truly are, so we can live and act from this place of loving awareness

“When we allow ourselves to rest and relax, healing becomes possible.  There is no true healing, without true rest.”

---Thich Nhat Hanh

Yoga Nidra: Spring Session

5 Mondays, March 31 - April 28 (Online)
7:00-8:30pm, Alberta Time
Cost:  $50 (includes online classes & recordings)

Yoga Nidra: Rest, Relax & Discover Your True Self
Relax into a deeply restful, timeless state that helps clear out the fatigue and burn out many people experience at deeper levels of their being.

Learn how to relax and move through what yoga calls the “5 Koshas”, the coverings that prevent us from connecting to our true self.

Each week, we’ll explore and experience each of these : ”5 Bodies" in depth:
Week 1: The Physical Body:
Learn to feel relaxed and grounded in your body as you relax and release tension and pain.
Week 2: The Subtle Energy Body:
Connect to the life-giving power of the breath to help unblock channels in the body where life force energy is stuck.
Week 3: The Mental Body:
Yoga Nidra creates a safe space to begin to loosen and release all the self-defeating thoughts and habits that occupy our minds.
Week 4: The Wisdom Body:
As your mind begins to see more clearly, you’ll begin to access your inner knowing and unblock creative impulses.
Week 5: The Bliss Body:
This is the timeless feeling of deep peace, deep joy, deep bliss where all boundaries dissolve into a sense of oneness with all.

Rest, Restore, and Dream new possibilities into being.

Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Nidra

    “When I was trying to conceive, I turned to Vickie for private sessions. After several failed attempts, Vickie’s spiritual counselling, deep presence, and tailored approach made a significant impact. Her guidance, tools, and practices helped me tremendously. Now, as I go through my pregnancy, she is continuing to offer support, with breathing, gentle stretching, and emotional and spiritual guidance. I truly believe Vickie’s support is playing a key role in this transformative and challenging journey to become a mother.”

    - Andrea

  • Yoga Nidra

    "Before starting Yoga Nidra and Spiritual Direction with Vickie, I was struggling but couldn’t seem to get to the bottom of it. In the face of depression, anxiety, grieving, and the unknown, I kept trying to distract myself with work, my kids, my parents, etc. Of course, keeping myself too busy didn’t work. It wasn’t until I discovered the deep rest and relaxation of Yoga Nidra, that I finally began to feel better. Now I find myself wanting to conquer the world to make up for lost time!"

    -Marie H.

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