In this gentle restorative class, the meditative principles of mindfulness are woven into both movement and still yoga postures, helping the practitioner connect to the healing power of the breath to find comfort and ease in their bodies, while quieting the busy mind.
The focus is on deep relaxation and the class centers around the practice of Yoga Nidra, a practice that produces a profound state of relaxation in the mind and body to help shed layers of tension and pain. At a deeper level, Yoga Nidra is also a meditative practice that helps transform the beliefs and feelings that keep us stuck in negative patterns of anxiety and depression. Ongoing research clearly documents the benefits of yoga and meditation for many conditions including arthritis, chronic back pain, cancer, depression, heart disease, MS, fibromyalgia and pain management in general
Classes at the Martha Retreat Centre
8 Week Healing Path Yoga
Tuesdays, 9:30-11am, January 21 – March 18, $110
Register through Martha Retreat Centre
Check out Vickie’s YouTube channel for previously recorded classes.